Crysis 3 English Language Pack


Dolzhnostnaya instrukciya glavnogo specialista upravleniya obrazovaniya Sep 12, 2013 - Jtag & RGH Modding escort, crysis 3 english.pak, escort in Jtag & RGH Modding.

If you have the Polish/Russian version and want English text and speech, just download the language pack posted above and edit system.cfg to this:; crysis3 sys_game_folder=c3 sys_user_folder=Crysis3 sys_languages=russian,polish g_language=english Edit: Looks like everything is in English but pre-rendered cutscenes and videos (such as loading screens for example) doesn't have any speech at all. In-game speech is English though. Enable subtitles to at least read during pre-rendered cutscenes and videos. I'm looking into it. I would appreciate it if you '+XP' me if this works for you (and it will as long as you've got the language pack). Edit 2: In order to get English speech during pre-rendered cutscenes and loading you need to download the English version of the file 'Videos2.pak' which is 1.65GB. I do not have a link for it.